Civil Engineering Gate Yearwise 

Civil Engineering Gate 2016 Set-I Questions with Answer

Ques 1Aptitude

Out of the following four sentences, select the most suitable sentence with respect to grammar and usage.

a) I will not leave the place until the minister does not meet me.
b) I will not leave the place until the minister doesn’t meet me.
c) I will not leave the place until the minister meet me.
d) I will not leave the place until the minister meets me.

d is the correct answer.

Ques 2Aptitude

A rewording of something written or spoken is a ______________.

a) paraphrase
b) paradox
c) paradigm
d) paraffin

a is the correct answer.

Ques 3Aptitude

Archimedes said, "Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I will move the world."
The sentence above is an example of a ___________ statement.

a) figurative
b) collateral
c) literal
d) figurine

a is the correct answer.

Ques 4Aptitude

If 'relftaga' means carefree, 'otaga' means careful and 'fertaga' means careless, which of the following could mean 'aftercare'?

a) zentaga
b) tagafer
c) tagazen
d) relffer

c is the correct answer.

Ques 5Aptitude

A cube is built using 64 cubic blocks of side one unit. After it is built, one cubic block is removed from every corner of the cube. The resulting surface area of the body (in square units) after the removal is __________.

a) 56
b) 64
c) 72
d) 96

d is the correct answer.

Ques 6Aptitude

Indian currency notes show the denomination indicated in at least seventeen languages. If this is not an indication of the nation’s diversity, nothing else is.
Which of the following can be logically inferred from the above sentences?

a) India is a country of exactly seventeen languages.
b) Linguistic pluralism is the only indicator of a nation’s diversity.
c) Indian currency notes have sufficient space for all the Indian languages.
d) Linguistic pluralism is strong evidence of India’s diversity.

d is the correct answer.

Ques 7Aptitude

Consider the following statements relating to the level of poker play of four players P, Q, R and S.
I. P always beats Q
II. R always beats S
III. S loses to P only sometimes
IV. R always loses to Q
Which of the following can be logically inferred from the above statements?
(i) P is likely to beat all the three other players
(ii) S is the absolute worst player in the set

a) (i) only
b) (ii) only
c) (i) and (ii)
d) neither (i) nor (ii)

d is the correct answer.

Ques 8Aptitude

If f(x) = 2x7 + 3x − 5, which of the following is a factor of f(x)?

a) (x3 +8)
b) (x-1)
c) (2x-5)
d) (x+1)

b is the correct answer.

Ques 9Aptitude

In a process, the number of cycles to failure decreases exponentially with an increase in load. At a load of 80 units, it takes 100 cycles for failure. When the load is halved, it takes 10000 cycles for failure. The load for which the failure will happen in 5000 cycles is ________.

a) 40.00
b) 46.02
c) 60.01
d) 92.02

b is the correct answer.

Ques 10Mathematics

Newton-Raphson method is to be used to find root of equation 3x − ex + sin x = 0. If the initial trial value for the root is taken as 0.333, the next approximation for the root would be _________
(note: answer up to three decimal)

0.35-0.37 is the correct answer.